
Okta Configuration Instructions

Okta is a popular identity provider used by businesses of all sizes. Integrating Nimbus with Okta allows you to use the identity Okta provides for your organization to Nimbus to easily manage your remote development environment. This feature is available for all customers using the self-hosted version of Nimbus

Create an OpenID Connect Application

  1. Log in to your Okta account. From the left-hand menu, Select Applications → Applications on the top menu.
    1. Image without caption
  1. Click the Create App Integration button. Select OIDC as the sign-in method. and Web Application as the application type
    1. Image without caption
  1. Provide the following information for your application settings:
    1. Field
      Grant type
      You must enable Refresh Tokens.
      Base URIs
      Sign-in redirect URIs
      Controlled access
      Select one of the options
      Note: nimbus_url is the URL of the self-hosted deployment, e.g. https://nimbus.company.com
      Hit Save 🙂
      Image without caption
  1. xFrom the General tab, scroll down to the Client Credentials section. This section contains the Client ID and Client Secret.
    1. Image without caption

Configure Nimbus

Finally, use these environment variables while provisioning Nimbus
SSO_PROVIDER="okta" OIDC_ISSUER_URL="https://dev-42493368.okta.com" OIDC_REDIRECT_URL={nimbus_url}/auth/callback OIDC_CLIENT_ID="REPLACE_ME" OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET="REPLACE_ME"
If you face any difficulties or need more information, head over to the master docs hosted by Okta’s Developer docs here - Create an Okta app Integration